
Is A Kite A Rhombus

Difference Between Kite and Rhombus

The main difference between a kite and a rhombus is that a rhomb has all equal sides whereas a kite has 2 pairs of adjacent equal sides. We tin can say that a rhombus is a kite merely a kite may or may not exist a rhomb. In that location are several differences between a kite and a rhombus. 1 basic similarity between a kite and a rhombus is that they both are quadrilaterals. We see kites and rhombuses in our daily lives.

In this commodity, nosotros will explore the similarities and differences between a kite and a rhomb along with their formulas, properties and solved examples for a ameliorate understanding.

What is the Difference Between Kite and Rhombus?

A kite is a quadrilateral with two pairs of side by side equal sides. It has 1 pair of opposite equal angles and the longer diagonal bisects the shorter diagonal. The longer diagonal of a kite bisects the pair of reverse angles. On the other hand, in a rhomb, all four sides are equal, opposite angles are equal and adjacent angles are supplementary. The diagonals of a rhombus bifurcate each other at right angles.

Difference between kite and rhombus

In the above figure, we take a kite ACBD and a rhombus ABCD. Let us become through the tabular array below highlighting the principal differences between a kite and a rhomb:

KITE Rhombus
A kite has two pairs of equal adjacent sides. All four sides of a rhombus are equal.
A kite has one pair of equal opposite angles. In a rhombus, contrary angles are equal and adjacent angles are supplementary.
The longer diagonal of a kite bisects the shorter diagonal at the correct angle. Diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at correct angles.
A kite has one line of symmetry. A rhombus has two lines of symmetry.

Kite and Rhombus Formulas

Since we have studied the difference betwixt kite and rhombus, permit us explore the formulas of kite and rhombus. If the lengths of the sides and diagonals of a kite and rhombus are known, then their areas and perimeter are given by:

  • Area of Kite: If the diagonals of a kite are p and q, then the area of the kite is given past, A = (ane/2)(p × q)
  • Perimeter of Kite: If the lengths of diff sides of a kite are a and b, and then the perimeter of the kite is given by, P = 2 (a + b)
  • Expanse of Rhombus: If the diagonals of a rhombus are d1 and dtwo, and so the area of the rhomb is given past, A = (1/2)(di × d2)
  • Perimeter of Rhomb: If the length of a side of the rhomb is due south, then the perimeter of the rhombus is given by, P = 4s

Similarities Between Kite and Rhombus

Now that we have studied the difference between kite and rhombus, allow united states of america explore the similarities between kite and rhombus. A kite and rhombus have the same formula to calculate their areas. Discover the points below highlighting the similarities between a kite and a rhomb:

  • Both kite and a rhombus are quadrilaterals, that is, they both are four-sided airtight figures.
  • The sum of all interior angles is 360° in both kite and rhombus.
  • The angles fabricated at the intersection of diagonals are equal to ninety°
  • The formula to determine the surface area of a kite and the area of a rhombus is the aforementioned, that is, half of the production of the diagonals.

Important Notes on Difference Between Kite and Rhombus

  • All rhombuses are kites just all kites are not rhombuses.
  • A rhomb is a parallelogram merely a kite is non.
  • A kite satisfies all backdrop of a cyclic quadrilateral.

Related Topics on Difference Betwixt Kite and Rhombus

  • Difference Betwixt Square and Rhombus
  • Difference Betwixt Square and Rectangle
  • Deviation Between Rectangle and Parallelogram
  • Deviation Betwixt Rhombus and Rectangle

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FAQs on Difference Between Kite and Rhomb

What is the Difference Between Kite and Rhombus in Geometry?

The main difference betwixt a kite and a rhombus is that a rhombus has all equal sides whereas a kite has two pairs of adjacent equal sides.

What are the Properties of Kite and Rhombus?

Some of the backdrop of a kite and rhomb are:

  • A kite has two pairs of side by side equal sides.
  • A kite has one pair of opposite angles (birdbrained) that are equal.
  • Reverse angles of a rhombus are congruent or equal.
  • The opposite sides in a rhombus are equal and parallel.

Is a Kite a Rhombus?

No, a kite is not a rhombus as a rhomb has all four sides equal whereas a kite may not have all equal sides.

Why is Rhomb a Kite?

A rhomb is a kite as information technology satisfies all backdrop of a kite. A rhombus has ii pairs of adjacent sides of equal length and is, therefore, a kite.

Is Area of Kite and Rhombus the Aforementioned?

Yes, the area of the kite and rhombus is the aforementioned equally the formula for their areas is half the product of their diagonals.

What are the Similarities Betwixt Kite and Rhombus?

Some of the similarities between kite and rhombus are:

  • Both kite and a rhombus are quadrilaterals, that is, they both are four-sided closed figures.
  • The sum of all interior angles is 360° in both kite and rhombus.
  • The angles fabricated at the intersection of diagonals are equal to 90°
  • The formula to determine the surface area of a kite and the surface area of a rhombus is the same, that is, one-half of the product of the diagonals.

How to Tell the Difference Betwixt Kite and Rhombus?

To tell the difference betwixt kite and rhombus, we tin can check the lengths of their sides. If the quadrilateral has all four sides as equal and parallel, so, it is a rhomb whereas if the quadrilateral has only two pairs of side by side equal sides, and then it is a kite.

Is A Kite A Rhombus,


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