
How To Save Your Knees Without Giving Up Your Workout

Credit... Patricia Voulgaris for The New York Times

There's no magic bullet to knee health, but staying active and edifice muscles around the joint are crucial.

In the register of unsolicited advice, few nuggets have been dispensed as widely and with less supporting testify than this: "If y'all keep doing all that running, yous're going to ruin your knees."

The latest salvo in the debate over knees and running — a systematic review of 43 previous M.R.I. studies that finds no show that running causes either short-term or long-term impairment to knee cartilage — is unlikely to convince the opinionated ex-football star at your Thanksgiving table who swears his bum articulatio genus was caused by current of air sprints. But given that virtually half of Americans are expected to develop painful genu osteoarthritis at some point during their lives, the findings do heighten a nagging question: If abstaining from running won't magically protect your knees, what will?

Researchers take lately begun to rethink long-held dogmas about the backdrop of cartilage, the smooth layer of tissue that cushions the bones of the human knee and other joints and whose breakdown is the primary crusade of osteoarthritis. "Since cartilage doesn't have a blood or nervus supply, nosotros used to think it couldn't conform or repair itself," said Michaela Khan, a doctoral researcher at the University of British Columbia and the lead writer of the new review on running and cartilage, which was published in the journal Sports Medicine.

But that's not the instance. Cyclic weight-bearing activities like walking and — wait for it — running clasp the cartilage in the knee joint like a sponge, expelling waste matter so drawing in a fresh supply of nutrient- and oxygen-rich fluid with each step. Instead of an inert daze-absorber doomed to become brittle and eventually neglect with age, Ms. Khan said, cartilage is a living tissue that adapts and thrives with regular employ. That explains why, for example, in a minor study from 2010, non-runners who followed a x-calendar week running program saw a one.nine percent comeback in a marker of cartilage strength and quality.

Information technology also helps explain why swapping one form of practice for another at the first sign of knee pain may be counterproductive. People with incipient knee bug often switch to depression-touch activities like pond and cycling considering they believe it volition protect their joints, said Jackie Whittaker, a physical therapist and arthritis researcher also at the University of British Columbia, "just actually what they're doing is starving the cartilage."


Credit... Patricia Voulgaris for The New York Times

Nonetheless, there'due south a limit to how quickly the joint tin accommodate to unfamiliar stresses. Jean-François Esculier, head of research for The Running Clinic and Ms. Kahn's co-author, suggested that knee pain that persists for more than than an hour subsequently exercise, or that shows upwards the morning after a conditioning, is a sign that the joint was overloaded. That doesn't hateful you demand to stop exercising, he said, but that you should adjust what yous're doing.

Consider shorter and more frequent workouts. According to Keith Baar, a physiologist at the University of California, Davis, who studies the molecular properties of cartilage and other connective tissues, the cells in cartilage respond positively to exercise for about 10 minutes. Afterward that, y'all're simply accumulating more than stress and damage in the tissue with no further adaptive benefits. So, if a weekly two-hour tennis marathon leaves you with aching knees, y'all might endeavour swapping it out for one-60 minutes sessions twice a week.

Of form, no workout takes place in a vacuum: What your knees can handle today depends on what you've been doing with them over the preceding weeks and months. That's why the arrival of ski flavour is a source of predictable carnage for physical therapists, as enthusiastic weekend warriors hit the slopes after months of inactivity.

Dr. Whittaker suggested taking the first solar day on the slopes easy and being willing to cutting subsequent days brusk when information technology feels like your leg muscles or joints have had enough. "It's pacing," she said. "Information technology's adapting to the capacity of your body to handle the load."

Improve yet, she strongly suggested doing some strength training to prepare your legs before putting whatever new stresses on them. A simple, generic program of squats and lunges tin strengthen the muscles that keep the knee stable and stiffen the tendons and ligaments around the articulation. For starters, aim for three sets of x to fifteen repetitions, lifting a weight that leaves you lot with shaky muscles and the feeling that you lot could accept washed ii or three more reps if necessary.

Every bit it turns out, the near serious long-term risk from activities like skiing isn't the prolonged squatting. Instead, it'south traumatic knee injuries like a torn A.C.L., which in roughly half of cases will lead to osteoarthritis within five to 15 years. That'south partly because of lingering damage or instability in the articulation, only also considering people tend to exist less active and consequently gain weight even afterward the knee heals. In fact, co-ordinate to i study, the higher risk of genu osteoarthritis observed among erstwhile aristocracy athletes in sports such as soccer is largely explained by a history of traumatic knee injury rather than by accumulated wearable and tear.


Credit... Patricia Voulgaris for The New York Times

Fortunately, the gamble of acute knee injuries can exist cutting in half by implementing a so-called "neuromuscular" training program, said Ewa Roos, an osteoarthritis researcher at the University of Southern Denmark. Specific exercises tailored to each sport promote good movement patterns that keep your joints stable, and they tin can be performed either on their own for 15 minutes three times a week, or as a pre-conditioning warm-upwards.

Dr. Roos recommends the website, hosted by the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Middle in Norway, which offers detailed neuromuscular programs for more than than fifty sports. Alpine skiing, for example, starts with exercises such as bodyweight squats, weight shifts, Bosu tucks and forward jumps, and so progresses to more challenging ones.

For athletes, the benefits of such preventive programs are articulate. For the average person with — for now — no knee joint hurting, it's more debatable. "It'south also a philosophical question," Dr. Roos said: there's a gamble of over-medicalizing life by spending all your free energy trying to prevent bug that oasis't yet happened.

But there are some relatively unobtrusive ways of tilting the odds in your favor, even if you're currently salubrious. Dr. Roos suggested focusing on loftier-quality movement patterns during day-to-day activities like getting upwards from a chair: use both feet and no hands, and go along the knee and hip aligned over the foot. Apply similar focus to climbing stairs and sitting down on the toilet; if y'all can't keep the joints aligned, that'south a sign you need to strengthen your leg and hip muscles.

There's no high-quality evidence that supplements, including glucosamine and chondroitin, make whatever difference, according to both Dr. Roos and Dr. Whittaker — though they don't appear to be harmful either.

"If you're OK paying for information technology, and yous desire to take information technology considering you lot call back it'south doing something to preserve your articulation, not a problem," Dr. Whittaker said. "Simply in improver, can y'all please besides be doing some cyclical weight-begetting activity and then on?"

There is one intriguing possible exception. A small 2011 study by researchers at Tufts Medical Center plant that cartilage quality in the knee improved afterwards 6 months of taking 10 grams of collagen daily. More recently, Dr. Baar's enquiry on lab-grown ligaments, which, like cartilage, are primarily made of collagen, as well supports the idea that consuming collagen before do can trigger new collagen synthesis in the torso. Only for at present, the existent-world benefits of this approach remain unproven.

To Dr. Whittaker, the virtually important priority remains debunking the notion that you should cease being active as soon equally you discover articulatio genus pain. Staying active, strengthening the muscles around the articulation and developing skilful movement patterns can change, and in some cases reverse, the trajectory, she said. "A lot of people think that osteoarthritis is just a normal consequence of aging, right? Information technology'southward not inevitable. There's a lot you tin control."

Alex Hutchinson is a columnist for Outside magazine and the author of "Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human being Performance."


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