
How To Use Speedgrader In Canvas

The following items will exist explained in this article:

  • View of SpeedGrader
  • SpeedGrader Carte Bar
  • Viewing Student Submissions
  • View Grading Sidebar
  • Using the Annotation Tools

You can access SpeedGrader in Canvas through: Assignments, Quizzes, Graded Discussions, and the Gradebook.

To access through Assignments, click on the name of the assignment you want to grade. Once yous are in the correct consignment page, click on SpeedGrader in the correct side-bar. This will open into a new page.

The View of SpeedGrader –


SpeedGrader includes several areas to help you lot locate and view student submissions, grade submissions, and add comments to submissions. The above paradigm shows a sample of an assignment accessed through SpeedGrader.

The Top Menu Bar Explained –

The Icons listed on the left side of the bill of fare bar allow you to:

  1. Return to the gradebook
  2. Manage the visibility of the assignment (show assignment grades or hibernate consignment grades). Information technology is recommended to hide the assignment grades until you have completed grading all submissions.
  3. Access additional SpeedGrader settings (includes options for sorting, anonymous grading, shortcuts, and help)

The center of the menu bar includes assignment details and overall grading information.

In this menu bar, you tin discover:

  1. Assignment name
  2. Due engagement
  3. Proper noun of the course
  4. The number of assignments that have been graded out of the total number of students in the form
  5. The average score or percentage

On the right side of the top menu bar, there is a drop-downwardly carte where you tin can access all of the students in your course. The arrows will also navigate y'all through the students. The epitome to a higher place is a sample test student provided from the Canvas customs guide.

Viewing the Grading Side Bar –


The higher up image shows what the Right-Side Bar will look like for grading. Hither you lot will find assignment details including when the consignment was submitted and the files that were submitted. For assignments that have multiple file submissions, be sure to click through the submitted file links to access them. You can also download each submission file by clicking the down arrow next to each link. Yous are not required to download each file in society to use SpeedGrader. Next to each link, a percentage volition appear if you are using TurnitIn. Yous can click on the percentage total to redirect you to the TurnitIn details.

Complete the cess of the submitted assignment by entering a course or using a rubric for grading (if applicable).

Note: this specific consignment does non take a rubric associated with it.

Leave assignment feedback by adding your comments to the annotate text box. Be certain to click the blueish submit box for your comments to appear.


Unless your assignment is muted, these comments will appear automatically to the students' grade page. It is encouraged to mute your assignments until you have completed the grading for all students for that consignment. Your students tin respond to these comments in their grade details.

You can besides include annotations to the submission. To do this, you will need to utilise the tools listed on the toolbar fastened to the meridian of the submitted assignment.

Using the Annotation Tools –


The available annotation tools explained (numbers are associated with the numbers in the image):

  1. To download a PDF of the annotated submission, click the download button.
  2. If there are multiple pages to the submission, you tin become directly to the folio you lot need.
  3. Or, you can advance through the arrows. Scrolling through the document is besides an option.
  4. To rotate the page, employ the rotate button.
  5. To zoom in or out, use the + and – symbols.
  6. To view the submission in total screen, click the double pointer full screen push.
  7. To comment the submission, the remaining tools can be used. Simply click on the tool yous would similar to use, then click in the consignment where you would like to comment. You can also choose through various colors when using the notation tools. The available note tools allow yous to:

 Add together a betoken


 Add Text

 Add together Strikeout

 Describe in the Submission

 Add together Area Note

  Color Selection

The following image is an example of what the point annotation could wait similar in a submission. This image comes from a more in depth guide on using SpeedGrader from Canvass.


An interactive tutorial on using SpeedGrader is coming soon…

For additional support, please contact otl.du@edu.


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