
How To Remove Old Caulk From Exterior Windows

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Getting rid of old caulking is a pretty easy chore, although it takes a fiddling time and patience. Starting time, brand life easier by taking a few steps that will make the caulk easier to remove. After that, it'due south simply a matter of stripping information technology from the surrounding surface with various tools. In one case yous're done with that, a few finishing touches will brand the exposed gap ready for a new line of caulk.

  1. 1

    Clean the expanse with surface cleaner or soap scum remover. This isn't strictly necessary to get rid of old caulk, but you're most likely going to be adding new caulk afterward. If and then, make life easier by washing the area now with a surface cleaner, soap scum remover, or a combination of the two. You'll still need to do a little cleanup afterwards removal, but for now, reduce the demand to deep-clean the uncaulked area with excessive amounts of liquid.[one]

    • This is also a skillful idea because any buildup of oils or other slippery liquids may cause your mitt or tools to slip while removing the former caulking.
  2. 2

    Determine how hard the caulk is. Selection a small surface area to test with a utility knife. Make a small cutting with its tip. Appraise the caulk'southward texture equally you practise.[2]

    • Water-based, latex, and PVA caulks will most probable feel brittle and hard. These are more decumbent to chipping during removal.
    • Silicone caulks should feel much more pliable, like soft prophylactic. These are unremarkably the easiest to remove.


  3. iii

    Make starter cuts. Concur your utility pocketknife parallel with either surrounding surface. Insert the tip of your utility blade into the caulk line and slice it open along its edge. Repeat along the other surface.[iii]

    • Avert making bodily contact with either surface. For now, yous just want to weaken the caulk's bond and let more access for the side by side step.
    • If your caulk is particularly hard, try heating it with a rut gun to soften it up.
    • If the heat gun doesn't work, skip to the side by side footstep rather than hazard damaging the surrounding surfaces with nicks and scratches.
  4. 4

    Soften with caulk remover if needed. If your starter cuts were extremely piece of cake to brand, feel complimentary to effort skipping this step, since the whole caulk line may come up off just as easily without any boosted treatment.[4] Otherwise, utilise a dewdrop of caulk remover along the old caulk. Echo as needed to embrace the whole caulk line and spread it out so all of the onetime caulk is covered.[5]

    • Refer to your caulk remover's directions to find out the minimum amount of fourth dimension you should allow for information technology to set earlier moving on. Mostly this is nigh ii to iii hours.[6]
    • The longer you lot let information technology set, the more than it should soften the old caulk. So if the quondam caulk felt extremely hard and brittle when you lot made your test and starter cuts, allow more time for the caulk remover to be absorbed (equally much as 24 hours for very stubborn caulk).
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  1. one

    Work slowly. Before you start, have a breath, relax, and fix to take your time with this project. Await it to be a relatively easy task, but at the same time, avoid the temptation to rush through it. The more you rush, the more likely you'll skid along the way and accidentally nick, scratch, or make a deeper cut in the surrounding surfaces.[7]

  2. ii

    Offset with a putty knife. Select an expanse along the caulk line to offset. Concord your putty knife parallel to the caulk line and identify the bract flat against either surrounding surface. Favor whichever one is smoothest to start. Edge the corner of the bract into and under the softened caulk, then button the blade along the caulk line to split information technology from the surface.[viii]

    • Ideally, you will exist able to pull this loosened strip free of the other surface. If the bail is too strong to do and so, repeat this procedure forth the second surface.
  3. iii

    Use pliers to remove broken-off bits. Every bit you push the putty knife along, the caulk should come away in strips. As it does, smaller pieces may break off and lodge in the gap betwixt the 2 surfaces, and so go back over your work equally y'all remove each strip. Pull those smaller bits out with a pair of needle-nose pliers.[9]

    • If the gap is very small, use tweezers instead.
  4. four

    Scrape abroad whatever's left. Fifty-fifty if most of the caulk came away in nice, long strips, become back and employ your putty knife to remove whatever lingering lines that stuck to the surfaces along the caulk line's edges. For extremely tough pieces, switch to a steel castor, toothbrush, or the hook feature in a 5-in-1 painter's tool. Castor or fleck away at any pieces that accept hardened into place.[10]

    • Remember to do the same with any bits that are deep within the gap.
    • If needed, use your heat gun once more to soften whatever stubborn bits.[11]
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  1. 1

    Make clean up after removal. Once you lot've removed all the caulk, clean upwardly the mess yous've fabricated so it doesn't interfere with the new caulk bonding to the surfaces. Grit the surface with dry paper towels or microfiber clothes so y'all don't have to use too much liquid. And then use a calorie-free amount of cleaner and/or soap scum remover to clean the surface areas. Wipe the area dry when finished.[12]

    • Because the gap between the surfaces is now exposed, you want to expose it to every bit footling moisture as possible. Spray paper towels of cloths with cleaner instead of spraying the surfaces direct.
    • Avert using ammonia-based cleaners, since this creates toxic fumes when combined with bleach, which you'll be using next.
  2. 2

    Become rid of mildew. Kill mold by combining ⅓ cup (79 ml) of bleach with 1 gallon (iii.75 Fifty) of h2o. Make full a spray bottle with the solution and spray into and around the gap, or soak a paintbrush or cream brush in it and use that to achieve inside the gap. Scrub with a cleaning brush, wipe up any actress debris that may have worked loose, rinse the area with dampened towels, and and then wipe information technology dry.[xiii]

    • Alternately, you can also utilize a storebought mold-and-mildew killer.[14]
  3. 3

    Allow the area to dry before recaulking. To brand sure you're not trapping whatever moisture behind the surfaces, wait until the next mean solar day earlier covering the gap with new caulk. Give the area behind the surfaces a chance to air-dry out. Aim a fan at the gap to improve air circulation. To hurry things up, pass your heat gun up and down along the gap periodically and/or ready a infinite heater nearby.[xv]

    • If you're using silicone caulk for a new caulk line, the area must exist completely dry in order for it adhere.
    • Water-based caulks volition adhere to surfaces that are slightly damp, but doing then may increase the gamble of mildew growing back.
    • Go on in mind that since caulk isn't waterproof, if there's a leak in your shower, the new caulk is going to somewhen evidence mold and mildew, as well.[16]
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    How exercise I remove old caulking from a tub?

    Art Fricke

    Art Fricke
    Dwelling house Renovation & Repair Specialist

    Art Fricke is a home renovation and repair specialist and the owner of Art Tile & Renovation based in Austin, Texas. With over x years of experience, he specializes in bathroom and kitchen renovations. Art focuses on a single contractor arroyo to customized renovation work, and performs projects such as installing custom tile showers, fixing tiled shower leaks, replacing croaky tiles, and installing floor and wall tile.

    Art Fricke

    Dwelling Renovation & Repair Specialist

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  • Chemicals that remove or soften caulking are very powerful and may be toxic. Always vesture the proper protective gear when using strong chemicals.


Things Yous'll Demand

  • Surface cleaner and/or lather scum remover
  • Paper towels or microfiber cloths
  • Utility pocketknife
  • Rut gun (optional)
  • Caulk remover
  • Putty knife
  • Needle-nose pliers and/or tweezers
  • Steel brush, tooth brush, and/or 5-in-ane painter's tool
  • Bleach or mold-and-mildew killer
  • Fan
  • Space heater (optional)

Nearly This Commodity

Article Summary 10

To remove quondam caulk, commencement past holding a utility pocketknife parallel to the surrounding surface and slicing into the caulk along the border to weaken the bond. Adjacent, use the bract of a putty knife to separate the caulk from the wall or tile. And then, pull upward whatsoever remaining bits of caulk with pliers, or use a toothbrush to brush abroad modest pieces. Finally, clean the surface area with surface cleaner and a paper towel so that new caulk will be able to stick to the surface. For tips on using a heat gun to remove caulk that'due south especially hard or brittle, read on!

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