
Sin 1 2 In Radians

On this page is an inverse sine computer (or arcsin computer), which calculates an angle from the ratio from the sine function. Enter your result and cull if you desire the tool to return radians or degrees, then compute the angle.

Changed Sine Calculator

Using the Arcsine Estimator

To use the tool to find the angle from a sine, enter the ratio, cull the units y'all'd like as output, and compute.

  • Sine - ratio of the reverse side to the hypotenuse
  • Output Degrees or Radians? - cull whether y'all'd like the tool to render degrees or radians

Once you lot're happy with the inputs, click the "Compute Arcsin" button.

  • Angle - the angle you'd input if you lot wanted to go the sine you entered

What is the arcsine or inverse sine?

Arcsine is the inverse of the sine, which is the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse (longest side) in a right triangle.

Right triangle to illustrate trigonometry functions
Correct Triangle Diagram (CC Past-SA 3.0 Wikimedia)

As the contrary side of the angle in question can never be larger than the hypotenuse – information technology tin can only match the length – arcsine can only be between -1 and ane.

Arcsine equally a formula

Changed sine is ordinarily abbreviated as "arcsin" or "asin", every bit in the post-obit equation:

Where it is the inverse of sine, or:

Side by side, see all the changed trigonometric functions or trigonometric functions in 1 tool.

Sin 1 2 In Radians,


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